Category: Revision (Week 5)
Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers
Is revising significant to the writing process. Are students able to write their final draft the first time or is more development required?
Tools of Revision
Revision is more complex then most writers would think, especially when student writers want to learn from experienced writers.
Revision: Writing Through Failure
Writing affords us the ability to revise our ideas before delivering them. Here’s why writing classes should teach through failure.
Rewriting: Words in Bloom
I reminisce on my old revisions and speak on how writing allows us to fully formulate our thoughts and how revisions focus our ideas.
Failure and Revising
Failure and Revision can go hand and hand with one another. Students need to fail so they can learn from their mistakes and grow as writers.
Failure By Design
How does one define failure, is it the inability to accomplish something successfully, or never attempting full heartedly from the start?
How do you interpret revision?
As I have grown as a writer, I view revision differently now then I did in the past. I used to think it was rewording, however now I see id differently.
How Writers Use Revision to Further Impact Their Writing
Revision have always been an important part in reviewing writing as through each revision helps the writer to be able to progress their thoughts.