Category: Genre (Week 3)
Enacting Genres, Grammy-Style(s)
Looking at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards through the lens of genres helps explain why Beyoncé amazed but didn’t win Best Album.
How Genres Plays A Role With The Impact of Today’s Writing
Genres are used to differentiate writing from each other and establish a category for that particular piece. It can be used to benefit writers
Getting meaning from others meanings who got meanings from others meanings…
Can any of our creative projects be original if we got their inspiration from other text who were inspired by other texts
Discipline within Genre and text definitions
Genres are not always strict and set in stone. Many works can have aspects of multiple genres. We should strive to accept the duality of genre assigning.
Pulling meaning from other texts and genres
Texts getting their meaning from other texts was a very fascinating concept because that is a way of thinking that I was unaware of that I did.
A Nonwritten Text is Worth a Thousand Words
Does the quality of a non-written text determine the value of its corresponding written text? Can bad artwork enhance a good story?
Enacting Disciplinarity through Genres: An In-Depth Look at Writing Studies
Writing enacts disciplinarity through genres, influencing style, format, and context. Understanding genre conventions improves writing.
Yi-Hury Guo`s Understanding the Genre Features of Qualitative Research: A Case Study discusses creating a case student for a graduate student.