Teaching by the National Cancer Institute

Assessing Writing and Literature: How do we approach it?




Teaching by the National Cancer Institute
Teaching by the National Cancer Institute


Assessment plays a lot of factors in the academic world. Whether it’s for a course evaluation or even for personal feedback, assessment can be impactful and resourceful when conducting information for a person. One of the most common things to look out for through assessment is the thread of bias when doing assessments. In my personal experience, when my work was being assessed, there was always a fine in between what is necessary to write and include vs. voicing your input and answering the question in your own tone. The reason for that is, at an early age, you are taught to view the world through a certain lens. This occurs throughout the childhood and adolescent years, being condition to follow certain patterns and ideologies. Assessment can also be carried through traditions and customs; as often through school systems and teaching will their judgement and values stem from.

Assessment & Language

Assessment can also play a lines through language also. Think back towards a time where you spoke to someone where they didn’t have the same dialect as you, how did you approach this perspective? Often with language and dial tones, comes different ways in viewing life. Most people, including myself, tend to gravitate towards individuals who exhibits the same dialect or can match the same tone of voice that we exhibit. “Our own language practices comes from our very own cultural experiences”, as NCTE states, but how might we approach upon the hassle of other languages and different backgrounds. With over 7,000 languages here in the world, each representing their own different customs and ways of interacting, how can we remove bias when assessing each other? Well, we can’t.

As humans, it is our nature to be able to judge and freely think upon ourselves as individuals. We’re given free reign to decide and think upon ourselves in what we can do and implement in our day to day life. By taking away that, you remove the fundamental on what it means to be human. Therefore, we may not be able to take it away but we can minimize it and be able try to understand the perspective in which the person is coming from. The same goes with writing.

Writing & Assessment

When it comes with writing, especially on controversial topics, you’re often going to receive papers in which are going to be more stronger in their statements and others and that which may provide little to no details about the topics and will answer based on the criteria met. It’s important that while we may have different answers and phrasing with wording, that we accept those who write differently. While this may be obvious, we do live in a hierarchical system which places “civilized writing” over other forms of writing, especially in situations relating towards job enforcement and other opportunities that require a certain tone to approach. Often, in many cultural societies, when going to school and learning languages and writing which are different from their natives, they are often looked as different in the eyes of the people in their country. Thus putting a bias, in how they will and interact with that individual.


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